
Welcome to SEES Corp, a leading employment services corporation in the Philippines. Established on December 16, 2008, by a group of experienced professionals in the restaurant industry, SEES Corp has been instrumental in providing numerous employment opportunities for Filipinos in the restaurant, BPO, and transport industry. We take pride in our commitment to excellence and dedication to fostering a healthy relationship between employers and employees.

One of the key aspects that sets SEES Corp apart is its unwavering commitment to compliance with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) regulations. In 2008, SEES Corp obtained a license to operate from DOLE, and since then, we have successfully renewed our license periodically, meeting the stringent requirements set by the department. This ensures that our operations are always in line with the latest labor laws and regulations, giving our clients and partners peace of mind.

At SEES Corp, we understand the importance of worry-free staffing for our business partners. We meticulously screen and monitor our personnel to ensure that only the most skilled and reliable individuals are recommended for employment. Our rigorous selection process includes thorough background checks, reference verification, and skill assessments. This guarantees that our partners receive top-notch employees who are capable of meeting their specific needs and requirements.

Moreover, we place a strong emphasis on maintaining a close relationship with both our employer and employee partners. We believe that a healthy and collaborative work environment is essential for personal and professional growth. By fostering open communication and providing ongoing support, we ensure that both parties are satisfied and motivated to thrive.

SEES Corp firmly believes that gainful employment is the key to uplifting the lives of Filipinos. We are committed to creating opportunities that allow individuals to showcase their skills, earn a living, and provide for their families. By partnering with SEES Corp, you become a part of this mission to improve lives and contribute to the overall development of the community.

If you are looking for a long-term partnership that guarantees compliance, worry-free staffing, and a supportive environment, SEES Corp is the perfect choice. Join us today and experience the benefits of working with a trusted and reliable employment services corporation.

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